Silvio foto copertina 2
Silvio Talamo is an Italian musician, producer, songwriter and performer involved with the electronic and the acoustic music, the pop and the performance, techno and traditional, proposing a brilliant and original Electro-Acoustic Mediterrenean Folk. His musical career path began when he was studying philosophy in Naples. A city full of contrasts with a vibrant soul. He began his solo career as a percussionist thanks to his African immigrant friends. From the beginning Silvio was fascinated by the voice of the old grammelot. He began creating his own performance and started reading poetry in front of the public experimenting with sounds and rhythms and playing in many artistic and music venues. After the first experiences in clubs and festivals (as a percussionist he won with the group “La sezione ritmica” the Arezzo wave festival). He started studying singing and learning how to use voice in a proper way.

He uses to play with melody and words rhythmically with the help of an old drum machine and a loop station. Then he created the “Loop songs” (in Italian “Canzoni fatte a giro”). The loop songs are composed and created using a vocal line track by track with the help of the loop station and a sequencer with the ability of live recording and repeating every audio source.

His curiosity led him to collaborate in theatres such as “filastrocche in cielo e in terra” by Michele Monetta or in musical projects like Capone&BungtBangt. After many live experiences that involved him in many projects like tours in theaters, radios and television (Rai: Uno Matttina tv show; Fininvest: Buona Domenica, Maurizio Costanzo show; Teatro india, Radio rai Stereo tre concerto all’auditorium, Giffoni film festival, Castrovillari, Tim tour and in the most important theaters of Campania: Mercadante, Galleria Toledo, Cilea, La perla, to name a few) he collaborated with many music bands like: Mandragora, Orchestrada, Zirrezzarre, Mi manda Picone band, Perlalia and Gecko’s tear. He plays rock, prog, funk, reggae, ethnic, popular and fusion. The discover of guitar led him to develop his talent as a songwriter.

In 2010 two of his songs appeared in the compilation “Virus vitale”. An album dedicated strictly to brand new Neapolitan talents made by the well-known producer Willy David (producer of Pino Daniele).

After living in Spain for a short time he is now based in Berlin where he produced an ep of 4 songs: “Quattro canzoni per ricominciare”. He is engaged in a deep and intense artistic activity taking part in the cultural life of the city, playing in radios and web tv: – radio Funkhause EuropaRuhm4U TV , Radio – He is currently proposing an original Electro Pop project using the possibilities that his Electro Set, performed by loop machines, sampler, synthesizers and loops, can give. It will be released shortly. He has released his new EP “Loops and Roots” a few months ago. Click here to listen to. He has also published a bilingual poetry book Poesie-Gedichte where it is possible to read his poetic production in Italian together with the German translation edited by Promosaik. He works as an author and vocalist for RAI – ZDF – ARD music film production.
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